In fact we love all 365 days but what can you do with 130 days?
130 days is a long time. 3120 hours, 187,200 minutes, we will stop before we get to sound like an annoying hit record!
However, if someone could give you an extra 4 months of life you’d be thrilled, well here at Reside we can do just that! WhichMoney? recently discovered that the average length of time to sell a house in the UK is 191 days. With Reside you could have sold your house 130 days earlier. That’s 130 days to be in your new home, to have done the decorating, fitted a new kitchen, had 32 barbecues. A whole 130 days to relax having sold your house and moved into your dream home.
So Reside can not only get you in to your dream home but we can give you an extra 130 days in which to enjoy it. With this gift of time maybe we should put Jason forward as the next Doctor Who!
So, the sooner you list with us the sooner you get the extra time in your life.
As we always say we SELL HOUSES – 7 days a week.
Call us now for your free, no obligation, professional valuation to get your house sold!